
Play is at the core of children’s lives. It is how children express themselves, connect with others, and make sense of the world. Play is so important for children’s development that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) describes it as “essential to the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical well-being of children beginning in early childhood.” Through play, children can share their fears, frustrations, wishes, and dreams with others, as they cannot yet directly verbalize their thoughts and feelings.

Play can take many forms. There is constructive play (building with blocks, constructing, assembling), mimetic play (playing ‘house,’ role-playing as ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’), pretense play (‘make-believe’ play, fantasy), sensory and kinesthetic play (playing with toys featuring buttons, flashing lights, sounds, and textures), active play (sports, exploration), and several others. While there is no single definition, all of these forms of play can contribute to a child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical well-being.

Play therapy is a form of psychotherapeutic treatment that utilizes this natural activity in which all children engage to offer support and skills. As author Konstantinos Koukourikos and colleagues state, “Play therapy is defined as the systematic use of a theoretical model that establishes an interpersonal process, in which trained therapists use the therapeutic power of play to help children prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth.”

Depending on the model of play therapy, the therapy session may vary. For example, some play therapists incorporate parents and caregivers into the session, while others only involve the child. Some are directive, where the therapist introduces activities and topics, while others are non-directive, allowing the child to lead in the play. However, all play therapists utilize different forms of play to help children grow, learn, and develop.

Play therapy has been found to be helpful for children from preschool through school age, and it can be beneficial for a variety of conditions and stressors, including:

As play is such a crucial part of children’s development, play therapy can be utilized to create change for the child in various ways. Below is a non-exhaustive list of some of the benefits play therapy can provide for children:

Play therapy can be a powerful tool for treating and preventing psychosocial difficulties in children's lives. Numerous studies have found that participation in play therapy is associated with reductions in maladaptive behaviors, improved social skills, and significant positive changes in emotional well-being for children, with benefits continuing even after treatment ends. If you are interested in play therapy for your family or child, feel free to reach out to Dr. Robokos by clicking on the ‘Contact’ option on our menu.
