Resources For Families and Educators

Optimism in Children and Youth Especially in Times of a Pandemic

Optimism in Children and Youth Especially in Times of a Pandemic Optimism in Children and Youth Especially in Times of a Pandemic

There are many factors that lend to a child feeling well, positive, and hopeful even in the midst of worrisome thoughts. There’s a certain parental style too that helps to raise children who feel embraced, contained, and resilient even in the face of adversity. Children are born into circumstances that can allow or disallow them to experience optimism, yet there are others who even in the hardest of challenges shine hope, optimism, and depth for life that feels good in living it.

The latter are the children who can teach us the most.

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  1906 Hits
1906 Hits

Children and Stress

child_stress_free Children and Stress in NYC

The stress response in children represents an opportunity to teach healthy, adaptive coping strategies. Responding to stress is different than reacting to it. A stress reaction is when a child encounters a combination of internal and external stressors that trigger stressful reactions. The latter is usually automatic and based on habits of the past. A response, such as a mindful one, is a healthy proactive positive approach and alternative to reacting.

In young children this stress reaction can be a "melt down," a tantrum, or emotional dysregulation. In middle school aged or teenage children, it presents as sadness, anger, depression, and certainly anxiety. The automatic habit-based stress reactions are less healthy and we know this from a physiological perspective as studies have proved the effect stress reactions have on the heart, the brain, the circulatory system, pain management, etc.

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  1844 Hits
1844 Hits