Resources For Families and Educators

Optimism in Children and Youth Especially in Times of a Pandemic

Optimism in Children and Youth Especially in Times of a Pandemic Optimism in Children and Youth Especially in Times of a Pandemic

There are many factors that lend to a child feeling well, positive, and hopeful even in the midst of worrisome thoughts. There’s a certain parental style too that helps to raise children who feel embraced, contained, and resilient even in the face of adversity. Children are born into circumstances that can allow or disallow them to experience optimism, yet there are others who even in the hardest of challenges shine hope, optimism, and depth for life that feels good in living it.

The latter are the children who can teach us the most.

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Children and How Parents Can Respond to the Coronavirus

Children and Covid-19 Children and Covid-19

Sharing some information with children in this trying time is essential, however, that also heavily varies based on the developmental age and stage of the child. A younger child around age 5 or 6 may not need more information besides explanation of the hygiene procedures: “We are trying to keep healthy and need to wash our hands and stay clear of touching our face, nose, and mouth.” Some younger children in this age range have heard of the virus and will ask direct questions about it. Keep the facts simple and try not to over-explain things: “Yes, there is a virus and we need to be careful to stay healthy. That’s why we have to wash our hands more often.” Children under age 5/6 would generally be addressed in the same way if they ask questions.

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